After-LIFE project: objectives The LIFE PST SORT project reaches its final development and demonstration phase in October 2021. From November this year, the After-LIFE phase will start with the following objectives: • To prov...
Pyro-gasification for energy recovery from RDF produced by the LIFE PST SORT plant One of the results of the LIFE PST SORT sorting process of shredded ELV refuse corresponds to the production of RDF containing plastics, polyurethane, rubber and fibrous material (textile, paper an...
Demonstration plant for the recovery of metals from the shredding residues of end-of-life vehicles (ELVs), most of which are currently landfilled Did you know that 88% of ferrous metals and 87% of non-ferrous metals from shredded ELV are being recovered in the demonstration and replication operations of the LIFE PST SORT project? The purity ...
Demonstration plant for the recovery of plastics from the shredding residues of end-of-life vehicles (ELVs), most of which are landfilled or incinerat The LIFE PST SORT project has reached a demonstration stage of recovery of average 58% of shredded plastics from end-of-life vehicles (ELVs). The technology used corresponds to machine vision supp...
How to deal with the recycling of end-of-life vehicles waste to make them more environmentally friendly? In a globalised planet that needs to preserve its non-renewable resources, recycling has become one of the key factors in protecting the environment and reducing the emission of greenhouse gases. T...
What results do we get from the high automation processes of the LIFE PST SORT project? The wide variety of reject streams from shredded vehicles has been analysed and grouped into two broad classes: metal-rich streams and metal-poor streams. Other classifications have been made, for ...
Why has the LIFE PST SORT project been created? The LIFE PST SORT project takes place in a European industrial context that has not solved the recycling of materials that make up about a quarter of the weight of each vehicle. Some 40 million end...
New milestones reached in the demonstration and replication stages The LIFE PST SORT project has reached two important milestones in its demonstration (B4) and replication (B5) stages of the technological solution. On the one hand, a maximum capacity of 10.4 t/h o...
Innovating solution for the material recovery from end-of-life vehicle (ELV) shredding residues The LIFE PST SORT project is being successfully developed and is currently entering its third demonstration stage of recyclable waste recovering from ELV shredding rejects, which otherwise would ha...