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Demonstration plant

Demonstration plant
Demonstration plant The LIFE PST SORT project includes the design and construction of a demonstration plant for sorting and recovering a wide range of secondary raw materials issued from ASR. The d...

Impact & advantages

Impact & advantages
The LIFE PST SORT project will have a potential market of almost 1,000 shredding plants worldwide and an even greater number of recyclers. In the EU, there are more than 300 major players producing...

Objectives of the project

Objectives of the project
The main objective of the LIFE PST SORT project is to demonstrate an innovative dry Post-Shredding Technology (PST) aiming to recover secondary raw materials from Automotive Shredder Residues (ASR)...

Material to be processed

Material to be processed
Materials to be processed correspond to reject streams of automotive shredders of ELVs (after the dismantling and depollution phases) and post-shredder treatment (PST) rejects. These rejects are us...
Showing 1 to 5 of 5
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