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Project booth at CONAMA 2018

Project booth at CONAMA 2018
CONAMA 2018 CALAF INDUSTRIAL had on November 26th, 2018, a booth at the CONAMA 2018 Congress where the main objectives of the LIFE PST SORT project, referred to ASR recovery of ELVS, were explained...

Launch of the LIFE PST SORT project

Launch of the LIFE PST SORT project
The LIFE PST SORT project manager (Rodrigo Verbal) presented in Brussels the project for the first time. The meeting was held the 6th and 7th November 2018, organised by the EASME Agency of the Eu...

Project's image

Project's image
The LIFE PST SORT project has now a logo based on a typical scrap gripper holding up an end-of-life vehicles (ELV), having the company colours of CALAF INDUSTRIAL. The ELV is located at the centre ...
Showing 13 to 16 of 16
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