Demonstration plant for the recovery of plastics from the shredding residues of end-of-life vehicles (ELVs), most of which are landfilled or incinerat
The LIFE PST SORT project has reached a demonstration stage of recovery of average 58% of shredded plastics from end-of-life vehicles (ELVs)

The technology used corresponds to machine vision supported by deep learning algorithms for the identification of a mixture of dark and colored plastics, without making use of X-ray and LIBS technologies. Cost-effective and environmentally friendly technology is therefore used, resulting in a plastic stream that can be further purified with the same technology or with other solutions available on the market.

Furthermore, the LIFE PST SORT project has also reach an 58% of average recovery of shredded plastics, also for metals, the recovery levels have reached 88% for ferrous metals and 87% for non-ferrous metals, including fractions between 15mm and 40mm of heavy and light fluff. In addition, flat waste such as glass is recovered at levels of 87%, while printed circuit board (PCB) scraps exceed 92% recovery.

The LIFE PST SORT project benefits from a grant provided by the LIFE program of the European Union (no. LIFE17-ENV/ES/000168), within a work schedule that started at the end of 2018 and will end in October 2021. 
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